The VS-1 drilling system is designed for drilling short bores with diameters up to 50 mm and a maximum length of 12 m. The set is recommended for drilling bores for blasting when using anchoring technology in the underground building industry, mining industry, rehabilitation of concrete constructions, etc.
The size of the drilling system makes it ideal for use in places that are small and difficult to access.
- univerzální použitelnost stroje pro nástřik betonu suchou i mokrou cestou
- snadná obsluha a údržba stroje
- plynulá regulace výkonu (modely COM-F)
- řemenový převod zabraňující poškození pohonu v případě rázovitého zastavení stroje
- dlouhá životnost opotřebovávaných dílů (těsnících a otěrových desek) díky použití centrálního mazání
- robustní konstrukce umožňující práci v náročných podmínkách
Working principle
The drilling system consists of a bracing column on which a mount is attached for guiding the drilling hammer, which is fitted with a two-wheel chassis to make handling easier. In the rear of the mount is the controller containing the main control elements.
The bracing column in the drilling system comprises a pneumatic cylinder with a double effective area in the direction of the ejection of the piston rod. On the bracing pneumatic cylinder is a movable single-acting pneumatic cylinder where the sleeve travels on a toothed comb with the console for clamping the mount.
The drilling mount consists of a series connected set of two pneumatic cylinders. The main pneumatic cylinder consists of the body of the mount where the drilling hammer travels on the upper side. The auxiliary pneumatic cylinder located on the side of the mount causes the required longitudinal movement of the mount in the drilling direction. The mount can be tilted on the console at any angle.
The control panel on the drilling system enables centralized control of all the functions. The drilling set is designed so that it can be operated by one employee.
The air supply to the bracing pneumatic cylinder is fitted with a safety back-flow valve to secure the bracing column against release in the case of an unexpected interruption to the supply of compressed air.
The recommended type of drill hammer is the VKS-29 hammer supplied by the manufacturer.
Technical data
Parameter | VS-1 |
Operating air pressure [MPa] | 0,4 - 0,6 |
Air consumption [m3/min] | 4 |
Range of column bracing (with set of supporting pins [mm] | 1710 - 3560 |
Total lift of the drilling hammer [mm] | 2240 |
Maximum down pressure on the drilling hammer [N] | 1450 |
Air supply | DN 25 |
Height of the inserted bracing column [mm] | 1710 |
Total length of the mount [mm] | 2420 |
Weight of the set [kg] | 180 |
Lift for the bracing pneumatic cylinder [mm] | 1150 |
Max. down-pressure force of the bracing pneumatic cylinder [N] | 2740 |
Range of the height of horizontal adjustment of the bore axis [mm] | 645 - 2795 |
Movement of the hammer on the carriage [mm] | 1515 |
Longitudinal shift of the mount towards the bracing column [mm] | 725 |
Practical demonstration